The Gompers/Allen debate at carnegie hall
One hundred years ago today … unions were debated by Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor and Henry Allen, Governor of Kansas.
The Daily News treated the NYC arrivals of the two men front page news.
The Daily News, 29 May, 1920, p. 1.
Gompers had been recently bereaved; his wife Sophia Gompers née Julian had died earlier in May,
In what was apparent a fiery event, the right to strike, and how strikes were affecting industry, were the main issue.
New York Tribune, 29 May, 1920, p .1.
Carnegie Hall, at 7th Avenue between 56th and 57th Streets, had been opened in 1891. Here is a 1910 photo looking at the building from kitty-corner across the intersection.
Though primarily a music venue, it was not uncommon for Carnegie Hall to hold debates or speakers in 1920. Figures who had spoken earlier that year include Steven Wise, Maurice Maeterlinck, Burton Holmes, and Sir Oliver Lodge. Other events included the Republic State Convention, a “Patriotic Meeting” for George Washington’s birthday, a meeting devoted to Armenian independence, the “women’s division” of the “Johnson Committee.” (See the Carnegie Hall website’s “Performance History Search.”)
TAGS: labor, strikes, Gompers, Allen, AFL, Carnegie Hall