Erasmus High School Graduates
One hundred years ago today … The Brooklyn Standard Union’s Sunday “Artgrauvre” section included a page of what look like headshots of “February graduates of Erasmus High School,” a private school located at 899-925 Flatbush Avenue. They are all women and all white.
Brooklyn Standard Union 13 Mar. 1920, p. 5.
Erasmus High school, from the 1920 Erasmus Hall High School Yearbook, The Flying Dutchman III. (See the entire yearbook at the link.)
Front and center was Ruth Harrison, who lived at 425 Park Place in Park Slope, voted the most popular girl, on her way to Vassar the next term.
Erasmus was founded in 1786 as a private school, and it had been taken over by the NYC Board of Education in 1904. Its location was landmarked in 1966. The school was closed in 1994 and the site reconfigured to host five smaller schools.