Milk Strike Violence
One hundred years ago today … Striking dairy industry workers clashed with police at Park Avenue and 106th Street.
New York Tribune, 14 December 1921, p.9.
It was the latest of a series of violent incidents since the strike had begun on November 1.
New York Tribune, 19 November 1921, p.18.
Evening World, 4 November 1921, p.2.
Early in the strike, the NYPD was called in to drive the milk trucks and deter attacks.
Daily News, 4 November 1921, p.1.
With beat cops acting as scabs, the police called in a platoon of women replacement officers, as we reported on November 28th.
The police treatment of the strikers got so rough that Mayor John Hylan made a statement that he would address the issue with the NYPD. But to Brooklyn’s Standard Union, the strikers were to blame for their “terrorism.”
Daily News, 23 November 1921, p.5.
Standard Union, 14 November 1921, p.5.
– Jonathan Goldman, Dec 13, 2021
Tags: labor, union, strike, police brutality, law enforcement, food, violence