Di Yiddishes Tageblatt /The Jewish Daily News
"The Tageblatt's English Department" takes on antisemitism
One hundred years ago today … Di Yiddishes Tageblatt / The Jewish Daily News was a New York daily primarily written in Yiddish–the world's first such, dating to 1885 (Trager, 211). It featured a back page in English.
The Jewish Daily News - יידישעס טאגעבלאט, 1 December 1920, p. 8. National Library of Israel.
Throughout the first week of December, 1920, "The Tageblatt's English Department" featured installments of the paper's editorial against the antisemitism represented by The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which had been reprinted at the behest of Henry Ford.
The Jewish Daily News - יידישעס טאגעבלאט, 1 December 1920, p. 8. National Library of Israel.
Note: we mentioned Ford's antisemitic campaign in our September 11 post. Antisemitism has been a topic in numerous NY1920 posts.
Founded by Kasrael Sirch Sarasohn, the Tageblatt billed itself "the daily Jewish family newspaper" and supported "Orthodox and Zionist causes" (Trager) until its decline and 1928 merge with either Der Morgen Zhornal (according to Trager) or the Yuishe Gazetten (according to Rosenfeld, 28).
The Jewish Daily News - יידישעס טאגעבלאט, 1 December 1920, p. 1. National Library of Israel.
On December 2, 1920, it featured ads for some products that will look familiar in 2020.
The Jewish Daily News - יידישעס טאגעבלאט, 1 December 1920, p.4. National Library of Israel.
The Jewish Daily News - יידישעס טאגעבלאט, 1 December 1920, p.3. National Library of Israel.
The Tageblatt was headquartered at 185-197 East Broadway on the Lower East Side. The address is now the Manny Cantor community center.
References/ Further reading:
Rosenfeld, Shalom. “The Jewish Press Magnate From East Broadway.” Kesher / קשר, no. 6, 1989, pp. 28e–38e.
Trager, James. The New York Chronology: The Ultimate Compendium of Events, People, and Anecdotes from the Dutch to the Present. United States, HarperCollins, 2010.
– Jonathan Goldman, December 2, 2020
TAGS: newspapers, journalism, Jewish, Yiddish, antisemitism, advertising, Bayer, Mazola