The Stillman Divorce Case 

Daily News, 23 May 1921, p. 1.

Daily News, 23 May 1921, p. 1.

One hundred years ago today… A preliminary settlement was agreed upon in the divorce case of Anne Urquhart Stillman and James A. Stillman. The former won a large sum from her now ex-husband, who had been President of the National City BanK of New York for the previous two years before stepping down just before the divorce case.

Throughout May, the case had made daily headlines, as the public and the press took a prurient interest in the rumors and gossip of extramarital romances leading to out-of-wedlock children,, with much hand-wringing done in ink about what would be the fate of the children. The Daily News, New York's first ever tabloid paper, then just two years old, dined out on the case especially, with numerous front page splashes. 

Daily News, 6 May 1921, p. 1.

Daily News, 4 May 1921, p. 1.

Its May 12th cover showed the Stillmans with each’s supposed paramour: Fred Bauvais (also known as Deerwood Bigfire) and Florence Leeds.

(Caption:) Will the courts prove them both–and where shall we place the two children, Guy and Jay? Who are their parents? Stillman has made no effort to date to deny the Mrs. Leeds angle, and Mrs. Stillman disputes the letters attributed to the Indian guide, Fred Beauvais; declares Stillman the father of Guy–Will Guy get his share of the Stillman millions? And what of little Jay?

Daily News, 12 May 1921, p. 1.

The alleged lover of Anne Urquahart Stillman, Beauvais/Bigfire was Iroquois, and had arranged for Stillman to be admitted to the Iroquois Nation. One hundred years ago today … the News ran this photo:

(Caption): WHEN IROQUOIS RITES made Mrs. Stillman a part of the Iroquois tribe, to which Deerwood Bigfire (sitting, center), known also as Fred Beauvais, belongs, this picture was made of the chieftains.Daily News, 22 May 1921, p. 11.

(Caption): WHEN IROQUOIS RITES made Mrs. Stillman a part of the Iroquois tribe, to which Deerwood Bigfire (sitting, center), known also as Fred Beauvais, belongs, this picture was made of the chieftains.

Daily News, 22 May 1921, p. 11.

The day after the news broke about the impending settlement and the end of the case, the News offered a thorough post-mortem.

Daily News, 23 May 1921, p. 3.

– Jonathan Goldman, May 22, 2021

TAGS: divorce, marriage, children, law, litigation, Native American, Indigenous