US Olympians set sail from NYC
One hundred years ago today … The US Olympic Team departed from New York for Antwerp, site of the 1920 Games.
New York Tribune, 25 July 1920, p. 18. Chronicling America.
The Tribune spread above highlights the achievements of New York women—referred to as “mermaids”—who would be swimming in the Olympics: Ethelda Bleibtrey, Charlotte Boyle, Alice Lord, Helen Meany, Aileen Riggin, and Helen Wainwright.
It also notes the problem of missing passports plaguing the team, perhaps related to new passport regulations and costs (explained in our July 20 post.)
It does not mention, unsurprisingly, the discrimination that kept some African American athletes off the team. (See our July 24 post.)
Trials for the US team had been held since early July at the Travers Island headquarters of the New York Athletic Club (founded 1868), in New Rochelle but just a stone’s throw from the Bronx (and still there). The Times did a spread covering the tryouts on July 18.
The New York Times, 18 July 1920, p. 74. Chronicling America.
TAGS: sports, Olympics, swimming, New York Athletic Club, passport, discrimination, women athletes