Cameras for sale at Macy’s
One hundred years ago today … Cameras were on sale at Macy’s, then as now at 34th Street and 6th Avenue. “Your summer record with a camera,” read one advertisement.
The Evening World, 1 July 1921, p. 7.
Another advised buyers to be ready for the holiday. “Take one with you on the ‘fourth.’”
Daily News, 1 July 1921, p. 9.
Note: we have featured Macy’s ads in the past, such as in our June 17, 1920 post about “Billie Burke” nightgowns.
Kodak’s “brownie cameras” were one of the company’s more popular products, dating from 1898, when George Eastman asked his company to design the simplest, most user-friendly camera possible. (See Chuck Baker’s
1921 poster for the Brownie camera for use in any retail outlet. “Brownie Ads and Posters 1900-1963.”
– Jonathan Goldman, July 1, 2021
TAGS: shopping, consumers, technology, department stores, memories, holidays, summer